In the year marking its two centuries of existence, Vista Alegre presents an emblematic table service made of porcelain and crystal, featuring a decoration that evokes the history and evolution of the brand’s logos. The “200 Years” collection in porcelain reflects Vista Alegre’s ongoing ability to renew itself, combining a deeply rooted legacy of craftsmanship with a modern and dynamic vision.
This collection brings together different aesthetic elements, playing with waves and textures on various scales, which vary from piece to piece, creating a striking intersection between the past and the future. The unique waves on each plate are inspired by forms from different eras, harmoniously combining to symbolize the union between historical heritage and modernity. Delicate matte gold filigree outlines the shapes of the pieces, ensuring their timeless character and prestige, emphasized by the presence of the evolution of the Vista Alegre logo on the back of each piece.
The “200 Years” crystal service complements the porcelain set of the same name. The crystal, with a fluted effect and a gold ribbon detail featuring the Vista Alegre insignia, refers to the elegance and exclusivity of classic table services, yet the simplicity of the forms and the decorative minimalism are perfectly adapted to modern lifestyles. Thus, one can appreciate the purity and clarity of the crystal in a versatile set of pieces that keep the memory of traditional manufacturing methods alive.
In the words of Alda Tomás, the brand’s Creative Director: “From the beginning, we intended for this collection to be white and decorated solely with gold filigree. It would therefore be a line where the form would be the protagonist, reflecting our history. To achieve this, we drew inspiration from our archive, searching for elements that could inspire us. The final shapes result from the interplay between these elements. To highlight the idea of evolution, we decorated the back of the pieces with the various logos that the brand has displayed over time.”
The “200 Years” collection, a tribute to Vista Alegre’s journey, is available at Vista Alegre stores and online.